Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Give a Monkey Coffee...

...and you'll probably end up with a David Letterman-style Top-10 list of reasons to come to IP!  Not that we tried this or anything; we're just saying, if you were to do such a silly thing, you might get a list like this one:

10. You will both know about and approve of your teenager's evening activities.
9. People won't leave when you approach the water cooler.
8. You'll finally learn a joke you can tell your 6-yr-old.
7. Your daughter will want to be seen with you in public.
6. Your spouse will appreciate you learning how to laugh.
5. You'll appreciate laughing at your spouse.
4. Twenty-somethings will be shocked to discover that you are older than they are.
3. Not only will you be invited to more family functions, you'll know how to turn them down.
2. You'll finally have friends.
1. Compared to us, you'll look sane!

Also, can anyone tell me what a Premium French roast is? I can't taste a difference. On the other hand, I did spit that list out in five minutes while drinking it, so maybe it's better quality after all. . . .
--Monkey #5

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