It's every actor and crew member's nightmare: something going wrong onstage. Someone forgets a line, an actor misses an entrance, a light blows out, a mic stops working...there's all kinds of opportunities for accidents in live theater.
Yes, these mistakes are horrifying when they happen. But when you look back on them, honestly?...they make for the best stories. You can always laugh about it later. And most of the time, the audience doesn't even notice!
We here at Improv Playhouse have had our fair share of theater-gone-wrong stories. Just so you know that it isn't the end of the world, here are some of our favorites:
-"I worked on a show for preschool kids where, before entering the theater, the kids went through several hallways that engaged the senses. One was the hamster disco. The hamster disco had stars all over the walls, a rotating disco ball, and a video of hamsters playing projected on the wall. One day, after our pre-show meeting in the theater, we went into the hall and it smelled of SMOKE. We ran around trying to fix it and discovered that our cheap disco ball was the culprit! We immediately turned it off and opened all of the doors we could. The kids were waiting outside with their chaperones (who were very suspicious of our frantic door-opening), but they were having a blast just being outside. Once the smell died down and we assured everyone of their safety, we brought the kids through and skipped the disco. They certainly didn't notice! They and their chaperones loved the show. And for the rest of the run, we just turned the disco ball on without letting it rotate and all was well."
-"In high school, I was an ensemble member in Into the Woods. Our one and only dance number came at the end of the opening song as the main characters head into the woods. On opening night, I waited until exactly the right moment to take my first creeping step onstage with everyone else--and the buckle of my shoe caught on the hem of my dress! I yanked it free, but the buckle ripped off! It was too late to do anything about it, so I had to wobble onstage and dance anyway. Luckily, I didn't twist my ankle, and also luckily, our wonderful costume lady was there during the performance. I ran my poor little shoe over to her and she was able to fix it before I needed it next!"
-"I was asleep in my bed the night before my production of Godspell opened--and in my sleep, I pulled my calf. Bad. I had to hobble around in crutches the next day and the whole cast had to arrive early to go over what needed to be changed! I was so embarrassed. But everything worked out well--there was even one song where everyone danced with canes, so I just used my crutch instead. There was also a part where everyone was yelling at each other, and just as we were cut off, my friend turned to me and yelled "SHUT UP, GIMP!" The audience burst out laughing and it took every ounce of self-control for me to hold it together! (And don't worry--I was recovered for the rest of our run!)"
-"During a run of The Imaginary Invalid, one of the actors (who was onstage the entire second act) had a hairpiece wrapped around his ponytail to make it look like he had long hair. His character talked to his brother (who was also on the entire second act). The brother wore a headpiece shaped like a turban with two curls of hair attached to make it look like his long hair was escaping it. Towards the beginning of the act, the first actor's hairpiece fell right off--just a quick little plop on to the stage. He turned and stared at it while the audience laughed. He turned back to his brother and improvised, "It's a piece." The audience roared with laughter and his brother said, "It's okay! Me too!" and lifted up his turban to show that the hair was attached. The audience could tell this wasn't scripted, but it was handled so well on stage that they didn't care. The brother just picked up the fallen hairpiece, yelled the name of the show's maid, and threw it offstage. Worked like a charm!"
We want to know--what are YOUR favorite stories of theater gone wrong? Tell us below!
News, stories, and playful tirades from Improv Playhouse as told by our intrepid team of monkeys with typewriters.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Quick Improv Games: Genre Replay/Scene Three Ways
Do you ever see your life through the lens of a movie? What kind of movie would it be? Romantic comedy? Silent film? Horror? (I hope not!)
In today's Quick Improv Game, you get to embody several genres in the scene you perform. How, you ask? It's quite simple! Just play this fun game known by many names: Genre Replay, aka Scene Three Ways!
Start your scene like it's any normal improv scene with one or two others. You can ask for whatever you like from the audience--relationship, conflict, location, the usual. Perform a short scene for them. But you have to remember each step you take in this scene!
When you're done, take a short bow. But then say to the audience, "How would you like to see that scene done differently? What genre should that scene be in now?" Get a genre suggestion from the audience, and redo that exact same scene as if it were from a movie in that genre! Don't be afraid to change lines, aspects of your character, and certain steps from your escalating tactics. As long as it's a similar scene in essence, have fun with it!
Finish up your new version amid laughter and applause. But ask for yet another genre this time! If you can, make it as different a genre as possible from the previous scene, just to keep things interesting. Again, don't be afraid to play with your givens this round! Wrap it up in a vaguely similar way and enjoy the raucous applause.
What are some genres that you can expect from the audience? Well, don't expect them to stay limited to movie genres! There's...
-Three Stooges
-Shakespeare (harder than you'd think!)
-Musical (also hard, but worth it if you can stumble your way through!)
-Cooking Show
-After School Special
-Soap Opera
-Music Video
And many more! And don't be afraid to try a genre that you aren't too familiar with. Sometimes you get the best scenes that way!
Have you played this game? What were some of your favorite genres? How did you adapt your scene?
In today's Quick Improv Game, you get to embody several genres in the scene you perform. How, you ask? It's quite simple! Just play this fun game known by many names: Genre Replay, aka Scene Three Ways!
Start your scene like it's any normal improv scene with one or two others. You can ask for whatever you like from the audience--relationship, conflict, location, the usual. Perform a short scene for them. But you have to remember each step you take in this scene!
When you're done, take a short bow. But then say to the audience, "How would you like to see that scene done differently? What genre should that scene be in now?" Get a genre suggestion from the audience, and redo that exact same scene as if it were from a movie in that genre! Don't be afraid to change lines, aspects of your character, and certain steps from your escalating tactics. As long as it's a similar scene in essence, have fun with it!
Finish up your new version amid laughter and applause. But ask for yet another genre this time! If you can, make it as different a genre as possible from the previous scene, just to keep things interesting. Again, don't be afraid to play with your givens this round! Wrap it up in a vaguely similar way and enjoy the raucous applause.
What are some genres that you can expect from the audience? Well, don't expect them to stay limited to movie genres! There's...
-Three Stooges
-Shakespeare (harder than you'd think!)
-Musical (also hard, but worth it if you can stumble your way through!)
-Cooking Show
-After School Special
-Soap Opera
-Music Video
And many more! And don't be afraid to try a genre that you aren't too familiar with. Sometimes you get the best scenes that way!
Have you played this game? What were some of your favorite genres? How did you adapt your scene?
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