Friday, October 7, 2011

Focus, people!

We've all been there: it's a Friday, everyone's a little too excited for the weekend. Nothing gets done. No one can focus. Whether it's class, rehearsal, or a family road trip, it's a tough situation.

Energy is great (as all improvisers know), but you have to be able to channel that energy in a way that aids the scene, you, your fellow performers, and the audience. You can't just run around the stage yelling "WHEE!" at the top of your lungs for a few minutes. That lacks characters, a relationship, a location, a conflict, and, you know, quality. If you and those around you have got the squigglies and can't sit still, here's a great way to center without losing the excitement.

This game is called Counting. The premise is incredibly simple--count as high as you can. But here's the catch: if two people say the same number at the same time, you have to start back at 1. No patterns allowed (meaning you're not allowed to speak in order around the circle, or stare at the person you think should talk next). It has to be entirely random. And you certainly can't say multiple numbers in a row.

What tends to happen is that it takes several rounds to really get going, even if you set a goal. Giggles ensue when four people say 3 and then pairs keep saying 1 over and over. But eventually, things start to calm down. Everyone starts focusing. And you may get up to 20, 30, or even higher. In rehearsal for a play, my cast and I played this game every day. And at our last rehearsal, we got up to 100!

Strange though it may seem, everyone starts to feel the group energy. You can actually start to tell when you're clear to say a number and you can let the rhythm of the counting take you away. It's an amazing feeling to be so in tune with your group like that. Give it a try! You'll be surprised how calming it is.

What other games do you use to focus? Let us know, we'd love to try them!


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